Why does it bother me?

I'm 16, girl. White and from the hood.( important)so these girls from a rich area call me ghetto, poor, and used give me hell about how lil i owned, and when i played rap music they called me ratchet. But they act like they live in the hood, act that there poor and now they listen to rap music. But now they say there "poor" yet there house is half a million and has alot of and, yet my house is rundown has bars on the windows, and has bullet hole in it and we share the house with anouther family and is a crime hot spot cuz its right by the projects. And there spoilded and yet EV ERYTHING and i mean everything i own i had to buy my self and even sometimes for my siblings and thats why i have very lil stuff. Why does it bother me so much? Is it cuz they downgrade my struggles and say there entilded selfs are struggling? Is it cuz the have the best things and opportunuties and still try to act like they don't? Or is it cuz they say there poor yet they have tommy hilifiger and the new iphones? Is it cuz they are degradeing who i'm and then act the same way? I mean i feel insulted and angry when they do but why? Usually nothing bothers me not even gunshots but why does this bother me so much? ( btw if your wondering i live in savannah ga. And the whole city trashy like this except the islands and the island kids are who i'm talking about)

Don't talk to them then

This is a joke right?

What's the toughest part of writing a blog post?

For a lot of people, it's the conclusion. You spend a long time -- maybe hours -- writing the perfect article. You do all the outlining, research, formatting, and then you get to the end. Now what do you say?

A lot of writers whip out a half-baked conclusion, or shirk it altogether. But if your conclusion is lame, then the whole piece falls flat.
The most successful articles have strong finishes, where the conclusion is one of the most powerful components of the article.

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It's pointless to focus on them, maybe they don't even know what they want in life…
But the important fact here is that you DO know, so start focusing on what you like, what makes you feel better, on your own will to rise up and be what you ever dream to be. Never give up, don't pay attention to those who don't deserve your attention, chase your dreams and I wish you have a nice day.

You are all way too stuck on material possessions. Sure a certain amount of material possession is nice, but in the end what really matters is your relationships to others like friends and family and what you have achieved for yourself.

Concentrate on figuring out what job you would actually like to do which will allow to support yourself comfortably and work towards that aim. Nobody can take your own achievements from you and only you can achieve them. While it can be hard, there's not much use comparing yourself to others. Whether people have a had or easy life depends most on their own attitude. Having a lot of material possessions can't mean a lot if you suffer from depression and feel unloved by everybody. Most people try to hide their problems, but that doesn't mean they don't have any.

Apparently you're bothered because you don't like fake people.

Because people should not make fun of people.

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