Why does music box keep crashing when I press search?

I'm running in 5.1.1 jail broken iPhone 4 and I downloaded music box. It was working fine for like 10 minutes then after like my 20th search it starts crashing when I press search and I can't get one search in --- someone please help

I'm having the exact same issue, I would assume it's service is down for a while

Yea I'm having the same issue have you found out anything? I have rebooted and reinstalled in Cydia

I'm facing the same problem. Just installed it last night and was working fine… And now it crashes every time I press search.

I'm also having the same issue. Like it was already said, I believe the service must be down because this app has been working fine for months. Give it some time.

There's an update in Cydia. If you have MusicBox installed already, go to Cydia, tap changes, and you should see an update for MusicBox.

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