Why does my iPhone 4 say no service?
A few days ago my iPhone said i have no service, i can still connect to my houses Wi-Fi yet i can't make any phone calls and my texts will only send to certain people. How do i get rid of the no service so my phone works properly again?
You need to contact your carrier.
Either its broken?
Or walk down the road and see if you can pick up a signal - cells tend to be a couple of miles apart.
Is it a new iphone 4?
Because in the beginning the iphone 4 had some reception problems, which couldn't be solved by yourself. The only solution was to go to an apple store with your receipt and ask for a new one. I had the same problem myself and I went to an apple store and got a brand new one!
- Why does my iphone say no service? I got a IPhone 4s literately 30 minutes ago! I was setting it up an i put my sim in and it says 'no service' on the top. Does anyone know how i could fix it?
- Why does my iPhone say No Service? - 3 I got an iPhone 5s and transferred everything from my 4s to it, and it doesn't have service? I have a phone that can't make calls or send texts? Does anyone know what's going on or how to fix it? I've already tried restarting my phone and the network settings.
- Why does my iPhone say no service? - 2 Well I took a trip to Wisconsin and my Verizon iPhone stopped working the minute I got here! It keeps saying no service then it will search for about 5 min then say no service! There's no Verizon towers anywhere! And I don't have roaming on because I fear the charges? Well I don't know does Verizon charge for roaming?
- Why does my iPhone say no service? - 1 My friend wants my iPhone 4 when I upgrade but his on O2 my phone is now unlocked to any service n we've got a sim cutter but I've been practicing with the sim cutter on my old sims n everytime I put it in the phone it says no service?