Why does my iphone 5 case say it can cause cancer?

So I got an iphone 5 case at tjmax and when I bought my case it said a warning on the box of my case which said "this case has chemical products and it's known in the state of California that It can cause cancer, birth defection, and harm. What does that mean? What shouldn't I do with my case so that none of those warnings happen?

This is from proposition 65, which is a California law that basically says any product that contains anything that is known to cause cancer has to carry the label.

This sounds like a good idea to keep people aware of the risk, but unfortunately it backfired somewhat because the actual cancer risk also depends on the amount of the chemical, how you are exposed to it, and so forth. So whether or not it's actually dangerous isn't always easy to tell.

So for instance, depending on the chemical, chances are you would not be in any danger unless you ate iphone cases on a regular basis.

It doesn't cause cancer. It's just some ridiculous law made in california that they have to put a label on everything God didn't make.

I don't know the specific reason why it says that, but I have a good general idea. There's probably some type of metal, such as lead or another harmful in the case, so legally they have to post a warning on the packaging. I don't know why it would have these metals, but personally, I wouldn't use the case. Just return it and settle for something else. If you really have your heart set on that case, you can use it, but always wash your hands before eating ANYTHING, and never touch your face unless you wash first. That's just my personal opinion. So, as a final verdict, in my opinion, don't use the case. I might be over-reacting, but I always think that it is better to be safe than sorry.

Beware of anything made in China. No one knows what it is made of.

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