Why does my iPhone do this? - 1

I have an iPhone 4 and sometimes when a call comes in it has the caller's name and the options to answer or reject the call but sometimes and recently I noticed when someone calls it has the callers name and to answer it its a slide option but no answer or reject buttons why is that

I haven't ever experienced my iPhone having an answer or reject option. It has always been 'slide to answer'. Just switch the mute thing on, so you wouldn't have to bother receiving it. It won't keep ringing.

The answer reject option only comes up if you are on your phone say playing a game when the call comes through the slide to answer comes up when the iphone is asleep

Mine does the same thing! I have no idea! But that's a good google question

That's weird because my iPhone has the option to either accept or reject whenever I get a call. Maybe check your settings?