Why does my iPhone lockscreen stay black?

I just downloaded IOS 7 on my iPhone5 and I started using my iPhone for a while and now it just stays black, does not turn off, and just takes screen shots. I tried plugging it in my computer and making it restart but it also does not let me at least plug it in.

You did not get a real version of iOS 7. Put your phone in DFU mode by Step 1: Turn off your iPod touch / iPhone completely and connect to PC / mac

Step 2: Hold down the Power button for 3 seconds

Step 3: Without releasing the power button, also hold the Home button for 10 seconds

Step 4: Without releasing the home button, release the power button and keep holding the Home button for 20 seconds.

Then go to https://sites.google.com/site/ios7download/home for the correct version

Is your UDID registered? You'll have problems with iOS 7 if you don't get it registered. I did mine at http://www.instantudid.com/ for only $5.It was so fast.

Go back to iOS 6 then How To: Downgrade From iOS 7 Back To iOS 6.x

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