Why does paper still exist?

Why do we still use paper? That's so weird because we have all this technology now. Shouldn't everything be done on our iPhones or iPads since its 2018? Paper is very outdated.

Because still use paper to write on.

Human beings are tactile creatures (i.e. We like to touch things ). We can adapt to computer screens but many people just prefer a physical thing. There's something nice about holding a real book for example, and it doesn't ever need recharging.

That's fine until your iPhone/iPad dies. Then what will you do? Some documentation is crucial. Such as driving licences, receipts, birth certificates, passports etc etc.

It's cheaper and more convenient.

If you go to a restaurant would you rather have a paper menu or the menu on your iPhone. I would rather have a paper menu since it's easier to flip back and forth.

It's cheaper to print the cover of a movie or cd on paper than on the case itself. Plus prints on plastic tends to rub off.

Paper money is safer than using a digital wallet. There are already devices that can steal the RFID of a chipped credit card.

Paper is sometimes more helpful than technology. It is usually easier to get notes down quickly while in a lesson// lecture/ meeting etc. I also find that writing down information makes it stick in my head more. If you want to get a bit more technical, the blue light that emits from the computer and phone screens can seriously damage your eyes and your health. Phones can be a distraction too from what the world can give you. There are hundreds of reasons why paper is still used today. Another one is that to think about it, technology is still fairly new to the human race, and we're still learning what it can give you, but sometimes it can be too much and using the classic pen and paper make life easier.

Rabelais discovered that the best thing to use to wipe the nether regions after a visit to the loo was a goose's neck but as geese are not commonly available in supermarkets, we will have to make do with paper. I refuse to use an iPhone for the purpose. It might be good for the annoying device but it won't do my ąrse much good.

I also like reading and books will never be replaced by electronic devices. Paper works exceptionally well there.

What would you print a needed report on?
Why do you want others stealing anything and everything about and of you? As keeps happening over & over, even now!
How do you take notes down or make a list to of items to look for?
What happens if ones elec. Runs out on battery of these proven to be major Cancer causing devices by 1997?

Because paper is still the best way to store information safely. For long periods of time.

I was told 30 years ago that I'd be working in a paperless office within 5 years. It still hasn't happened.
Paper doesn't crash, causing you to lose several hours work.
People like paper.

Personally, I like to have a hard copy of my house deed and car title.

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