Why does the iPhone camera make my nose look fat?

I think I'm pretty good looking. My nose is pointy and thin for the most part, I've never been told I have a fat nose. I have a thin face. But for some reason the iPhone camera makes my nose look huge and my face look fat! I started crying when I saw the picture. I've taken pictures in the past on a regular film camera and my nose looks completely different. Does anyone else have this problem?

If you are shooting at arms length with your phone, it's because you are using a wide angle lens (in the phonecam) close up & this causes massive distortion.

Get somone elses to take it (standing back aways) & it should be fine.

You seriously have a huge ego. You have a fat nose and the other cameras were the ones lying to you.
Buy a bridge and get over it.

It's the iPhone lmao for sure!

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