Why doesn't Wi-Fi work underwater?

I know it's obviously not MEANT to work underwater, but why does it not work AT ALL? I went underwater with my iPhone 5 in a waterproof case and as soon as I went in the water I got zero reception.

Added (1). I have an iPhone 5.

I get Wi-Fi underwater all the time, you may need to reseal the case when your underwater to complete the "bubble"

Well. Wife A- H all drowned and died under water. Wife I just drowned but was saved.

Sorry. You should be using the waterproof mobile that mermaids sell.

It's not waterproof

Simple… Wi-Fi operates at 2.400 - 2.500 GHz in the RF spectrum… Those waves are LOUSY at penetrating the air / water barrier.

The only reliable RF that penetrates water well is ULF (Ultra-Low Frequency)… But the data rate on that is slower than an old dial-up modem!