Why don't Climate Change Supporters care at all about the massive environmental damage caused by our ballooning population?

CO2 is comparatively simple to eliminate than giving up iPhones because they require rare earth metals; and it isn't like our consumer waste just disappears when we throw it away.

We can destroy as many habitats as needed… Exterminate as many species as needed so we have room for more housing, factories, and other disgusting human creations.

What is a climate change supporter? I doubt anyone supports climate change.

It's caused by capitalism, not by our population. The World Wildlife Fund rated Cuba as having the most sustainable economy in the world.

Capitalism survives on infinite growth. It is constantly trying to grow and expand to fight the contradictions within its own system. It's completely unsustainable, and eventually it will run out of room to grow. Eventually resources will begin running out, there will be mass shortages, and it will collapse under its own weight.

You people insist on keeping an unsustainable system in place, a system based around constance maximizing of profits and the hoarding of wealth for the few at the expense of the many.

You people would rather see the entire planet destroyed than just give people a little bit more democracy.

Let's look at a single case: trees.

Capitalism incentivizes immediate profits above all else. You can't plan for the future, because then a corporation who doesn't will overtake you before that future gets here. There's massive incentive to cut down trees, but no incentive to replant them.

The government often steps in and insists on the replanting of trees, but you can't stop the massive force that is the bourgeoisie, especially since they control the government through lobbying and campaign contributions. So capitalists continue to cut down trees at a record pace, while replanting very little of them.

The reason they can get away with this is because there's an abundance of trees. There are so many trees already on the planet that we could keep cutting them down without replanting any for years.

But the abundance will eventually run out, and we will into a problem: we've been cutting down trees faster then we've been regrowing them. So what happens then?

Well, massive tree shortages, a crash in any markets that rely on trees, huge cut backs to workers and depression in wages, huge loss of jobs, basically that entire market will implode.


Because the bourgeoisie designed the infrastructure for infinite growth. When the trees have run out, the infrastructure is useless. All those loggers will become useless. The paper factories will become useless. We will have tons of infrastructure that now means nothing, because we built it for something that couldn't last.

This tree shortage isn't even far in the future. At current rates, it will be here in ~30 years. This doesn't mean trees will run out, obviously, because we replant them. It means that we will run out of our abundance of trees, and we will only have trees as fast as we can replant them.

This applies to most all natural resources, both renewable and fossil. Oil is only estimated by British Petroleum to last another ~70 years, and coal ~150. Fossil fuel will be the worst when it runs out, because we won't just have to scale down our infrastructure. It will all become useless pretty abruptly.

Capitalism constantly tries to grow and increase profits in the short term, and has absolutely no regards for the long term. A system like this is completely unsustainable in a world with limited resources. Eventually that will catch up to the capitalists, and the system will begin to crumble.