Why has my Iphone 4 used so much data?

I'm on a Virgin mobile plan and I've been given 2GB data allowance per month. I've never used even 1GB of it before, and then suddenly I got a text from Virgin saying I'd gone over my 2GB by 1.7GB! So I managed to use 3.7GB in less than a month. I had a ridiculous bill, I'm not doing anything different at All but I've checked my data usage and I've used almost 900MB in 5 days.

Please help me! I can't afford to go over again! I've turned off all my internet and location services so I don't risk going over, but this has never happened to me before and I really want to know what's going on.

Do you use Siri a lot? Siri also uses data connection because it has to process the task via internet since its processor is located at Apple themselves. Try rechecking your usage, there could be a probability that you overlooked something.

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