Why is it that most of the people(esp girls) of ages are on there phone most of the time?

I have an iPhone 8 Plus and most of the time I use my phone to browse Instagram, the internet or go on YouTube. I only use it to keep in contact with my family, work and just it for god. However, when I'm in public places like my community college or at the gym, I see people most of the time on their phone constantly. Yes, before you judge me, I KNOW it is none of my business. I get that. But I don't really use my phone to text anyone really other than what I just stated. I'm starting to think that my social life sucks as I don't have anyone to text. Most of the time when I see some people on their phones(not minding their business), they are texting someone else. Could it be that my social life sucks? Who do people text(in general)? I'm starting to think that if I don't have a social life myself then I'm probably going to be perceived a loser in the future.

I mean, if you don't mind answering. Why are reasons why people would be on their phone(texting) most of the time? Just as an example. Hell even pre teens have someone they text. I'm starting to feel like some sort of loser be I have no social life whatsoever. How can I start and get over this problem of mine?

Anonymous, can you answer this question. I mean you said that you have two sons and one adopted daughter. Right? So I'd assume you should have experience as a parent yourself

You will not miss out on anything.
You say your going to college.
That should be your goal.
To learn as much as you can.

The first question you have to ask yourself is why you are so narcissistic and think the whole world revolves around you, your personal appearance, and your hypothetical drag-racing questions. Second, why are you once again answering people's serious questions with mentally retarded answers like "mo" and "bo?"

Now as to your question, young people like to keep in touch with their friends on social media as well as playing games and listening to music on their phones. These days, most young people your age have plenty of contacts they keep in touch with on social media or text message. Part of your problem is that as a commuter student at a community college, you are more socially isolated.

Your obsession with your personal appearance isn't helping that because insecurity is a turn off. You waste too much time worrying about your nose and eyebrows.

They text because they are more shy with others in person, or they have social anxiety.

When i'm in public, i pretend to be on my phone and really into it so people don't try to talk to me.


Booking johns.

The "hold my hand" mentality. They can't go anywhere on their own without yapping with someone they know.

In general americans are very snooty .Wants they form there clique they only want to communicate with people they know and no one else around them. That is why america is the most difficult country to make friends and that is a fact not an opinion

Phones are addicting. Games, social media, Netflix, youtube any app. With teenagers its because they are socially awkward and don't want to have to interact with the people around them. Or they are addicted as well. For some adults they are doing work things. I'm not sure.

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