Why Is My iPhone 4S on the Fritz?
Normally, I can fix my own iPhone-related problems, but lately, my phone has been acting up and I don't really want to restore it if I don't have to. It is very time-consuming, as I'm sure most of you out there know.
Anyway, I have an iPhone 4S 64gb. It has been running slowly, shutting off and/or restarting itself, not playing songs I've recently purchased on it, repeatedly skipping songs and playing whatever it wants whenever it wants, and apps crash constantly (even standard apps that come with the phone).It has 3.7 gigs of free space, so I don't think "fullness" is the case… If anyone has any suggestions, other than taking it into the Apple store or buying a new phone, it would be much appreciated!
Should I just restore it? Or perhaps my software has a bug? Restoring from backup might put the bug back on there. I don't know what the problem is, but I'm open to hear some thoughts/suggestions!
Welcome in advance: D
I think I would reset it back to factory… Always worth a try before spending money to get it fixed.
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