Why is my iPhone 4s so slow?
My iPhone is pretty new I got it about 2 months ago. I use Sprint and I have wi-fi. The problem is that the wi-fi signal is full and the internet is still really slow! My brother and sister have the iPhone too and theirs is really fast. I have no clue what it is they both have the black iPhone and I have the white if that makes any difference.
Sprint iphones are the slowest ones of any carrier.
- Why the hell is my NEW iPhone 4S running so SLOW? I got it a little before Christmas, it was brand new, AT&T 4G. It wasn't like this before! I barely have any apps, I have almost FULL bars and Wi-Fi connection, I don't know what's going on! When I'm on FB, it runs incredibly slow as well as on the internet. All I know is that it's p*ssing me off!
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