Why is my YouTube app not working on iPhone 4? I have done a complete reset?
Why is my YouTube app not working on iPhone 4? I have done a complete reset?
My youtube won't load but on the computer its fine just a bit of lag but the phone won't load or anything i got good Wi-Fi i have a goiod running phone but it does this thing i like to call the spinning wheel of death
- Youtube app on iphone 4 not working? When i go on the youtube app on my iphone 4, it says "error while loading, tap to retry". But when i tap the screen nothing happens.
- Youtube app is not working on iPhone when everything else does? For the last week, my youtube app on my iphone does not work. On every video it loads for about 5 seconds then will not go further. This is happening to my roommate also and we only have this problem at our house. Everything else works on my phone and I tried resetting the Wi-Fi and redownloading the app. The weird thing is the app works in other places that have Wi-Fi like a library. What is the problem?
- Why isn't my itunes/youtube app working on iPhone 5? Ok so my iTunes andYouTube connection aren't working on my iphone. It keeps saying "loading" and when I seach something it won't load. I think my internet connection is down. How can I fix this?
- Why is YouTube not working with my iPhone? Okay, the YouTube app works perfectly fine and everything, but practically every video I click on says "This video is unavailable on this platform". It is so irritating because if I try to listen to almost any song, this message will appear. Unless I watch vevo's uploads.