Why is the iphone facebook app so slow?

It seems to take forever to load up anything, is it just me because my internet is very fast, or is everyone else experiencing the same problem

Cuz Facebook is getting dumber and dumber every year and they f**k it up just for money. Like the stupid timeline s**t.

It is because it is in the development stages and as they will research and develop it, it would get more confortable and easy to use.
Also sometimes there's a problem with the network connectivity and thus it might be this case, so you can't blame entirely on the application.

Maybe it's cos you have too many programmes still running. Double tap the home screen button a hold down any app in the bar. A red icon will come up and will close down the running app. If you already know that then its probably a common problem

I noticed this as well, so I did some searching and found the answer it seems.


Basically it's because of how the Facebook application is written. Its directly pulling almost everything from the web. The application is just a shell. But according to the article they are bringing out an update next month that will mean a lot more computations being taken care of on the iOS device and more stored on the device so we end up having quicker loading times. It's about time because it's ridiculously slow.

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