Why isn't my iPhone working?
I just recently got my iPhone 4S screen repaired last monday. I was using it today, and I set it down, I went to go check it and my screen wouldn't turn on? I tried holding down the home button and on/off button at the same time and that didn't work. I tried pluging it into my computer and restoring it and that didn't work either. But my phone will still vibrate and ring when
I get a text/call. My screen will just not light up the display. I didn't drop it or get it wet or anything. What's wrong with it?
Get the iPhone 5!
Its just broken. Take it back to the applestore and ask them. Or buy a new phone
It is definitely the recent repair that is causing these issues. I fix iPhones for a living, and I have seen tons of phones that have the name symptoms. You should go back to whoever fixed your phone and request a new screen repair.
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