Why isn't summary showing up in iTunes?

I'm 16 and purchased my first apple product a few weeks before Christmas I bought the iPhone 5. I love it and everything but I got a ringtone app (so I can get free ringtones) and it told me how to use it but for some reason I do not see summary in my iTunes site. My options look just like this: songs. Albums. Artists. Genres. Playlists. Radio. Match. That's it there's no summary at all (at the top of the screen where they say it is anyways) how do I either one get it to show up or two get to summary in general and what does match do?

Honestly- making ringtones on your phone sucks. Use this website: http://makeownringtone.com/. I'll guide you through. 1. Select "browse a file" (using a video off youtube is illegal). Locate the song you want, or file. (in the itunes folder). 2. Select the region of time you want, then click fade to make it sound good. Hope you like it!

You need to reset some settings it sounds like.

iTunes 10 & 11 are identical after you reset some of your old settings.

Open iTunes with out any devices connected.

In the top left corner click the little icon, then click Show Menu Bar.

Click on View > Show Sidebar

Click on View > Show Status Bar.

Your screen will now be just like it was in Itunes 10.

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