Why won't iAp Cracker work on the iOS 6.1 Jailbreak?

I jailbroke my iPhone 4S using the new evasi0n jailbreak and iAp cracker doesn;t work

Same here. But I think we just have to wait for cydia to fully update.

Hmm, yes I guess you just need to wait for all of the cydia traffic to die out. It will happen eventually. That doesn't make sense why you would have issues though. From what you said, it sounds as if you were able to download ok, but not get the process to work? Perhaps xsellize is working on this as they have been working to rectify their systems from the jailbreak shock.

The iAP Cracker won't work because it's not updated yet… The only app that works for free in-app purchases is "LocallAPStore" and the source you enter in your source page is " system.in-appstore.com/repo/ "

I think it might not be compatible with ios 6.0-6.1 yet

I tried localapstore! Worked well on my ios6.1 iphone 5!

In ios 6.1 apple changed the way In-Game Purchases are made. It looks the same but it is somehow different. We must wait until it is updated or you can use an alternative like LocallApStore. (Yes it is with 2 L's)