Why won't my iphone 5s camera shutter goes to silent?

I've turned my phone to silent, but the camera shutter still won't go to silent. It makes a really loud sound and when i screenshot something, it also makes a loud sound. How do I turn it to silent without jail breaking? I've been using this Cymera app cause it can take pictures without making a sound but the quality isn't as good as the original camera app.

Go to settings

In some countries it's illegal to have silent phone cameras, so in those countries the option to silence the camera in unavailable.

But if it is available there are a few methods:-

1. Use the mute slider button on the top left side of the phone.
2. Turn the volume all the way to zero using the left side volume down button.
3. Settings>Sounds>Ringer and Alerts and set the on-screen slider fully to the left.

There's a fourth method which may also work, but it needs you to jailbreak the iPhone (despite what many claim, this is NOT a risk-free process) so that you can access the system files. You then navigate to /System/Library/Audio/UISounds/and change the file name from "photoShutter.caf" to something else. The new name will be a non-functional dummy file which won't result in any sound when you press the shutter. I take no responsibility for the last suggestion, it's for guidance only and you must research the exact process yourself before attempting it as details may have changed since the info I accessed was published or it may even have been inaccurate at the time of publication. Get it wrong and you can irreversibly damage your iPhone.