Why won't my iPhone work after restoring?
I already activated my iPhone 3 when I first got it. But today I was updating the iTunes on my phone it suggested I restore it. Now for some reason I have to re-activate it. I can get past the language, location and Wi-Fi part but when it comes to the actual activation part, it keeps saying something like "Could not activate iPhone, try connecting your iPhone to iTunes to activate it"
I'm not that good with things like this so if you could be ever so kind and put your answers into the easiest way possible to understand. Thank you so much! (:
Oh and if you need anymore details, please tell me!
Try to just restart your phone after restoring if it still doesn't work.
if its still not working then you have to check at gsx.apple.com and enter the serial number of your phone to check if its carrier locked.
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