Why won't my iTunes movie download?

I bought a movie on iTunes about a week ago. It downloaded completely on my computer, but when i tried downloading it to my iphone, It started downloading, but right before it finished, it stopped working. I got it to start redownloading, but again, right before it finished, it stopped downloading. Now, it completely stopped downloading. Whenever I click download, it says error and that I should retry, and I do, but I never works. I restarted my phone and everything and I just can't get it to work. Someone please help me cuz I don't wanna waste my $20.00!

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Do you have enough room on your phone? What kind of iphone is it? Does it support the movie? In other words if you have an older iphone it may not support HD movies if that's what you bought. You said it downloaded to your computer and you obviously have it in your cloud. So the problem must be with the phone. It sounds like not enough room.delete somethinig.

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