Why won't my iphone screen tilt?

I have an iPhone 4 and I never had any problems with it until now! I've text since then and when I wanted to tilt the screen horizontal it would. Now when I text with my girlfriend or my other friends and i want to till my screen it won't. I checked that the Portrait Orientation was of but it still doesn't tilt. Fruit ninja it tilts, minecraft it tilts but not messenger. Please Help, its getting really ANNOYING. Any info will be helpful, thanks

Try your uhm… Display settings. It should. Be in the settings under screen rotation maybe its off. Goodluck hope I helped

Maybe the gravity sensor is damaged and the apps that tilt are the ones that are automatically set to do so when opened. Take the phone to apple tech support.

Ah ha! I've had the same issue with TWO iPhones- and JUST got an answer! There's a "rotate lock" feature when you swipe up from the bottom of the screen - last circle on the right next to the sleep option. Tap it and make sure it's off! Happy Day!

Thank you GUEST from 3-6-15

Thank you guest from 3-6-15!

Thanks so much, it worked

Great Job!

Great Job!

quick stroke the face of the phone to bring up the quick access to flashlight, calculator etc there you find a circular arrow… Turned red if wont rotate . Touch it to restore reality