Will 500mb of data be enough for me? Or should I get 1gb instead? - 1
My parents are getting me an iPhone for my upcoming birthday as a mix with my Christmas present (haha, a little late for Christmas? Yeah, I know.) Anyway, it is kinda required that you need data on the iPhone. I don't want my parents to pay a lot for my phone plan, so I was wondering if 500mb of data will be enough for me? I'm thinking that I will be usually connected to my home Wi-Fi as I'm home a lot, but when out on the run, I'd be using iMessage (iMessage uses data), occasionally Facebook, ocasionally Facebook chat, my email, and some games and apps (like Angry Birds and all). Will that be enough for 500mb of data? I won't be watching YouTube videos because I don't think I will need to when I'm out.
Will 500mb of data be enough for me? I know that I can be safe and get 1gb of data instead of 500mb, but I honestly don't want my parents to pay an extra $10 if I won't be using all of the data.
500 mb is gppd enough 1gb would be a waste of money because unless ypur an instagram addict you wouldn't nees tjat much hope this helped save spme dosh.
For me. I have 200MB of data I'm always scared i'll go over it. But I don't really use much of it. But I don't really use my data I'm always connected to the local Wi-Fi I'm near. And that is very true. Save your parents the $10. You'll have a good amount of data from what I've read from your post. As long as you connect to the Wi-Fi near you for most of the time. It also comes down to how long will you be using the data stuff for.
- Would 500mb data be enough for me? - 1 I just bought an iPhone 4 and I'm looking into getting Verizon. I'm not sure if 500 mb will be enough for me. I get on Facebook daily and I use twitter instagram ifunny and might even browse some web pages. I might use the iMessage and FaceTime features as well. I don't know how often I would use those. And I have Wi-Fi at home. But would this be enough based on your understanding? Please let me know.
- Will 1GB of data a month be enough for an iPhone? I'm thinking of getting an iPhone, but only the small plan, which has only 1GB of data a month. The only thing I go on the internet for on my phone is Facebook. Will it be enough data? Or will it be constantly looking for updates and stuff and use internet data? My old phone did that and took away heaps.
- Is a 500mb data plan enough for me? I will only use the Internet once in a while when i'm outside the house, in the house i have an iPod touch and Wi-Fi. I want to put my 500 songs from my ipod in my iphone does that take up data? Do pictures take up data?
- Is 500mb of data enough for these apps on my iPhone? I pretty much just want enough to use kik, instagram, and twitter. A tmobile plan would give me 500mb a month but no overage charges so does that mean I can go up too 2, 000 mb a month without any charges? Ty