Will a T-mobile iphone work with MetroPCS?

Can I buy a t-mobile Iphone and bring it to metropcs for a contract since they have merged. Would the phone have had to be activated with T-mobile before? Should I just buy an unlocked one?

I think Metro PCS is using CDMA and T Mobile uses GSM. So if that's the case the answer is no. You could always call them and ask.

I believe right now Metro PCS is using either CDMA & GSM (using the t-mobile net) then by the end of 2015 they will be terminating their CDMA service. Don't be scared to call metro pcs customer service.

The phone has to be unlocked before you can use it on MetroPCS. So I think you should better buy an unlocked model and use it with MetroPCS SIM card. If you need iPhone 5S factory unlocked cheaper than retail, mail me.