Will AT&T give me a micro-sim for my iPhone 3gS plan?

I recently lost my iPhone 3gS, and have begun using an iPhone 4S that is under a different phone number and plan. I'm still paying for both phones, so both telephone numbers are active. Seeing as how I now have a better phone than I did before, I want to keep using the 4S, but would like to have the old number I had with my 3gS. I have read places that AT&T will provide you with a new sim card if needed, but I'm wondering if they will comply with my request. Will they allow me to get a micro sim for a phone that is supposed to be a 3gS?

Added (1). The problem is I lost the sim card when I lost my phone, or I would just cut it myself:/

Generally networks are happy to replace SIMS and don't care what phone you use once you pay the bill. Most phone shops have a SIM cutting device that actually cuts a standard SIM down to micro SIM size - I was wary when my network used it on my SIM but it worked perfectly, You can get a little adapter if you want to use the cut down SIM in a full size phone again

They will of course give you a replacement for a lost SIM and I'm sure if you explain that you're using a different phone that they will give you a micro SIM. Even if they don't give you a micro you can, as you say yourself, cut the full size one.

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