Will I need a laptop in tech school?

I'm not sure I should say what my job is in the air force as I've already been yelled at for telling folks online lol.

But I'll be at Sheppard AFB for about 3 months. It is a very technical job, mostly maintenance and testing.

Also my current phone is a galaxy note 2 and I wanted something that transfers it's data well (such as iPhone to macbook)

1 Anything you need will be provided.
2 You will not be allowed to put military info on your phone or PC.

You do not need a laptop for your course work. If you do need a computer, there will be computer labs for you to use.
As the other poster said, you won't be putting anything AF on your computer, nor will you ever put anything personal on an AF computer. Also, you can't hook up jump drives, etc. To gov't computers.

They have a library that you can gain internet access if you need to, but you will not be allowed to put ANYTHING related to your job on your phone or computer EVER at all… And seriously you are not going to be doing super secret squirrel stuff at THIS point it will be basic things

1. There are no AFSC's that can't be mentioned. There are things they will teach you and things you will actually do, but just mentioning and AFSC is not classified information. If you're talking about the guy that said "a nuclear weapons apprentice is a TOP SECRET job and you just violated protocol by announcing it.", well he is clueless!

2. If you need a laptop for your job, then they will issue it to you. You may very well find it useful to have one, but it's not required!

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