Will I need to show the doctor my acne or can I cover it up with makeup?

I know this is a stupid question but I have the doctors soon for my acne and it's something I'm so embarrassed about. It causes me so much anxiety. I have to go in the morning to see him and have college right after, can I take pictures on my iPhone as it will show the date it's been taken and just show my spots on the phone or will he ask me to remove my makeup. There's no way I can re-apply it before college as I won't have time to go home and I can't go without because I'll be humiliated.

Does anyone know?

Stop trying to pretend you have perfect skin by wearing makeup. Makeup will make your skin even worse in the long run. It's too bad that you have acne. Not everyone can have flawless skin. You'll just need to get used to it. Let it show

See a doctor

Don't cover it up. If you do he'll just tell you to take off the makeup.

He will need to see it. Take your makeup with you and duck in a restroom somewhere and put it on.

The doctor will want to see your bare face. He may advise that you stop using certain brands or types, which are more than likely, compounding the problem.

You: Hello, doctor, I know I've come to see you about my acne, but you see I can't go to college after with no make up on, so you will just have to look at these pics I've taken. My schedule is obviously a LOT more important than yours.
Doctor: Grow up.

You're going to the doctor to see if something can be done to help with your acne. He needs to see your bare face, and hear about all the products you use.

Almost all cases of acne clear up once you get past your teens. Meanwhile there are skin-care products and hypo-allergenic makeup that won't make things worse. Even makeup can't hide "bumps" completely, so follow your doctor's advice about skin care.

The doctor needs to see your skin devoid of make-up to properly diagnose what's wrong. If you go in with make-up you will need to remove every last bit of it before the doc will see you. The doctor will use a powerful magnifying lens to look at and into your pores to see what's hiding in them. If you face is covered with full coverage make-up the she/he can't see what's hiding under the surface. One of my besties is a dermatologist and she claims she can tell if it's acne, allergies, infections or parasitic mites just by magnifying the pores. She can also tell when the problem is too much full coverage gunky make-up clogging up the works and causing more inflammation than it covers. You realize the doctor's prescription might be going make-up free to allow your pores to re-oxygenate and heal themselves? Sometimes what you use to cover a problem will make it worse. And many topical skin disinfectants and anti inflammatories only work on bare uncovered skin and you can't use make-up over them if you want them to work.

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