Will iOS 6 delete my illegally downloaded music?

I download music from frost wire and I want to know if updating my iPhone 4s to iOS 6 will delete them thanks

When you update it restores the whole device. So back up your device, update, restore from backup, then sync everything back on. If you still have all the songs from Frostwire (which is terrible, just saying. I would suggest using.torrent files in utorrent) on your iTunes, then they should sync back onto your device.

Frostwire! WTF? If you've got Frostwire, losing your songs is the least of your problems. Honestly, why would you use FW? Are you going to say that you never heard of its rep for making vulnerable to malware attack any computer it's installed on? Did you even bother to see of anybody thought it was a malware risk? No, your iPod doesn't know where your music came from - legally ripped from CD or purchased from other online stores. Your iPod won't know, but if there's malware on the FW installer or the client software can't screen out fake (and likely harnful) files, you may be out more than some songs.