Will iOS 7 be on the iPhone 4? - 1

I was wondering if the new iOS would be avaliable on iPhone 4 because I've heard it's only on iPhone 5
I really want iOS 7 so if its going to be on iPhone 4, how do I install it

I don't know

It will be 4S for sure also, whether its on 4 or not will be whether the hardware can handle it or not as 4 is a little more outdated and doesn't have Siri.

YES it will be on 4, surprising since its such an old phone.

I have the old iphone 4 and i tried a beta version of ios7 and it was so slow… I realized i'm going to need to buy a new phone lol

Yes, it will work on iPhone 4 when it's released to the public in the fall. In fact, you can install it early if you register your device's UDID with a developer account through a site like http://www.udid.in/.It's $5, and then you can try out the new OS before everyone else.