Will iPhone 5 earbuds be compatible with my iPhone 4?

I found some 6$ on Ebay making sure cuz the user said compatible with iPhone 5 5G iPod 5 and Nano 7
Just wanna make sure, probably yes, WHY AM I ASKING THIS

Earphones are compatible with any device just because they are for an iPhone does not mean it won't work on a iPod nano or touch, however the volume control and play and pause in the middle will not work in other devices if they are not apple, sound will come out, they work but you can't use those neat features like volume up down

Yes it will work. They would be stupid to change the headphone jack to fit a certain pair of headphones. But I would strongly advise against getting the new Apple headphones. It says that it is shaped to fit your ear and have better sound quality, but it doesn't. I prefer my $10 headphones over their $30 uncomfortable ones.

Yes. All the iOS devices (except the iPhone 2G (in a way. Have the same 3.5mm jack so they would work just fine.

In the case of the iPhone 2G the jack is the same size but it is recessed so the jack can't go down as much as it needs to without the need of an adapter.

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