Will metro pcs ever carry the iphone?

Why don't they carry it?

I bet every cell service carrier wish to carry iPhone in every way.
There are some reasons why Metro PCS have not carry iPhone when other's did.

1. Carrier and Apple
However, in order to carry iPhone service provider (Verizon, ATT, Sprint.etc) have to pay huge amount of money to Apple in order to have a contract to carry iPhone.
I can't discuss exactly how much amount we're talking about.

2. Retail Price
To best illustrate just imagine non iOS operating systems (Android, Blackbeery, Windows.etc)
is asking for half or 1/3 of price for OS contract.
Instead of carry one phone price around $4~500.(not to mention without contract goes over $600)
Metro PCS simply choose to go with non iOS devices and offer more variety price option to the customer.

3. Spectrum (Signal)
iPhone require certain spectrum in order to run both cell/data signal in full throttle.
Up until when CDMA iPhone was available, iPhone was only GSM based. (ATT, T-Mobile.has sim card) Metro PCS is CDMA carrier which couldn't support iPhone.
However, now iPhone is available in both CDMA and GSM it is possible Metro can service iPhone.
Metro PCS has grown and growing 4G coverage.
Additionally, T-mobile announced last year to Merge with Metro PCS… Remember T-mobile announced that they will carry iPhone from 2013.

In conclusion, there are many potential that iPhone will be available on Metro PCS service.
T-mobile who will carry iPhone is a parent company of Metro PCS.
If you look in carrier detail, T-mobile is GSM base company who has 4G "HSPA+" which is not LTE.
HSPA+ and LTE is significantly different although both consider as 4G.
If you Google it, T-mobile and Metro PCS merge announce was first, then T-mobile iPhone news was announced after.
Which mean T-mobile is planning to use Metro 4G LTE spectrum to support iPhone 4G LTE speed.
Remember 4G LTE was Metro PCS spectrum right?
Let's hope iPhone will be available through all the carriers so customer has more carrier choices.
Hope this enlighten your questions.

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