Will my whatsapp history remain if I change my sim?

I'm overseas on holiday for a month now and am getting a local sim for my iPhone 5S.

I know for a fact that without an active sim, you can't see your old whatsapp conversations and I don't need it now. But if I get a new temporary sim, once I'm done using it next month, and I plug in my original SIM card, will I be able to retrieve my old conversations?

First of all, there's no connection between the SIM and your whatapp. Whatsapp uses internet and a device, apart from its data, also has WI-Fi as the alternative internet connection. If you change SIM or go anywhere, if your device is connected to the net, you will be able to access all old / new messages.

Of Course! But you need to Switch Off the Phone 1stly then Change it,
Don't directly remove battery