Will T-Mobile ever carry iPhone?
Will tmobile ever carry the iPhone 4g
No one really knows which cell provider iPhone is going to go with next. With the new ruling that makes jailbreaking/ unlocking legal, iPhone could potentially be modified to be used on any provider that uses a GSM connection. Rumors are going out that say Apple is creating a hybrid iPhone that could be on a GSM or a CDMA connection. (This means carriers like Verizon or Sprint could possibly carry iPhone).
There hasn't been any talks about T-Mobile carrying it.
- Will T-Mobile ever carry the iPhone 5? I was wondering will T-Mobile ever carry the iPhone, iPhone 5 to be specific. I heard rumors of T-Mobile's iPhone release in early 2013. I was wondering if they ever would because if they don't, I might will change my phone company, because my upgrade in T-mobile is in February. So do you think T-mobile will carry the iPhone next year and what month do you think the iPhone is coming to T-Mobile if the rumors are true?
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