Will the government give me a free iPhone under ObamaPhone?

I must have a free iphone

If i knew where to, Id try to get one for a keepsake.

WTF? No what are you thinking?

No. That was given out by the Obama Campaign. You missed out.

I don;t know but let's all dance to the music.

To be accurate, you should call it a reagan/bush phone.
but then, cons and accuracy… Lol

ObamaPhone existed way before Obama, idiot.

Actually if you bothered to CHECK THE FACTS Obama has nothing to do with the program and there isn't one cent of taxpayer money going into it-but the actual TRUTH, that would take all the wind out of your sails now, wouldn't it?

See for yourself:


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  • Should the Obamaphone program give out iphones to save peoples lives? Man Recovering After Being Shot Over An iPhone (Chicago) http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/12/27/man-recovering-after-being-shot-for-an-iphone/ Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone (She coined the phrase "Obamaphone" regardless who started the program.) Wake Up - is good example of a Moron that didn't read the whole question.