Will they charge me at the apple store?
So I have an iPhone 4 and the lock button broke on it and now the home button is starting to go… It is still in its first year of purchase, so apparently I can go in and they will give me a new one? Or will I have I pay to get it fixed? If so how much? How long of a wait would it be, because its a 40 minute drive to the apple store and rides are limited so I would have to get it done all same day…
I'm not positive if that will fall under the warranty since its cosmetics not software. Your best bet is to first call them and ask them about warranty policies and see if you are qualified
- When I return my iphone 4 to the apple store do they go through the messages? A few days ago the sleep/wake button on my iphone 4 has been stuck and really hard to push down I was wondering if when you turn in the phone do they wipe everything off of your phone? And do they go through messages and stuff? I'm just wondering I've got nothing to hide and I'm a good kid. So just wondering and also the new phone they give you is it refurbished or a completely brand new one thanks for all of the answers in advance, Tanner
- My aunt and uncle have the same Apple ID. I think they need separate ones, do they? I've told them to get separate ones in the event that they need to back up their phones or get new ones. Don't they need separate ones? They hardly back up their phones or hook up their iPhones to the computer.
- Is tbere any major différence between thé iPhone 6 and the 6s? Whooppeee is Xmas again and my daughter wants new 2nd hand) iPhone… 2 years ago almost bought her 5 before i réaliséd that it was 5s she wanted ( cos thé 5 sucks?) And I don't want to screw up this year…
- If you buy an iphone at the apple store how fast do they activate it? I'm thinking about getting an iphone and I want to know how fast is activated. I mean when I leave the store will I be able to use it right away.