Will this relationship last for my age?
Well I'm 13 and my boyfriend 13 going to 15 soon. Anyway I'm in Texas and he is in Pennsylvania. But we both have iPhones that we talk to each other from. Do y'all think this relationship will work? I really like Him best boyfriend I had and he likes me I'm his best girlfriend. Please and thank you. I really hope it does work out he doesn't love me for my body or face its my personality and same me to him. And I know his father so. Does that help any
Well there's a lot of things that could go wrong in those years before the relationship gets serious but if you guys feel it, why not.
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- Would this relationship work? Well I'm 13 and my boyfriend 13 going to 15 soon. Anyway I'm in Texas and he is in Pennsylvania. But we both har iPhones that we talk to each other from. Do y'all think this relationship will work? I really like Him best boyfriend I had and he likes me I'm his best girlfriend. Please and thank you
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