Windows 8.1 won't update stuck at 60%?

I have a Windows 8 computer that I rarely use. I basically live off of my iPad and iPhone. When it came time to sync my phone and my iPad I noticed that I had an update. Windows 8 update to Windows 8.1 but it won't let me update I've tried several times and nothing my computer always get stuck at 60% or it says it was unable to update. Please help, negative comments will be flagged thank you.

I think it might be broken:/

Windows 8.1 isn't that special and only changes a couple of little things, it's probably easier for you to just stick with Windows 8.
I've had the update fail on a couple of machines and, after a few nights of trying to sort it, just ended up reverting back to Windows 8 and leaving it as-is.

If you really do want to go through the trouble, have a look in the Windows event log, that should show you what the problem is. Be prepared for a lot of reading.

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