Working three jobs and school?

I'm 19 years old currently living in florida, I have a passion for cooking, sales, and fashion plus I'm pretty computer savoy! I'm currently working a strictly commison sales job for a shoe cleaner company. The money is alright but the experience I learned from working for almost three years for this company is priceless. But time is money and I definitly wanna pursue my dream of owning my own restaurant. With all my monthly expense's its hard to cover them with just one source of income especially one thats sometimes inconsistent. That's why I've been looking into another source of income like another job. Or two haha. Thats where you come in. I just need adivce from someone who's been there and done that. I currently am waiting on a call from Michael Kors for a sales position that I can't wait to take up, but I'm also looking to work in the resturant industry to get my foot in the door to owning my own seafood restaurant. If I could I'd build and sell iPhone applications at home or at school. My question is what I'm doing even right? Do I continue to go about things the way I've been or do I just go to school and work at a restaurant? I I just wanna be the best I can be and I just need advice on how to get there.

You are running into a life conundrum… Choices.

The good thing is you are young and ambitious. The bad thing is you are ambitious and young.

I'm biased towards school. See if you can get parental or grandparent help to fund school for a while, and work ONLY 1 job other than school. If you can, get it in the restaurant industry at a GOOD restaurant and let the owner know you want them to teach you the restaurant trade. Being an apprentice to a master in your desired industry doesn't hurt, gives you industry 'cred', and builds the resume/CV.

Take classes in business management & finance, customer relations, even cooking classes to understand the 'back room' even if you don't want to be a chef. Take other stuff to be well rounded outside your 'core curriculum'. (Knowing about engineering can help when the lights go out or the refrigerator goes on the fritz!).

Stay excited, but don't try to do everything at once. Most folks can't truly multi-task, and can only do 1 or 2 things at a time before quality falls off dramatically. Even though you seem to be above average, remember you aren't that much different from average. Don't burn out, life is a marathon, not a sprint. Take some time to 'smell the roses'…

Financially, with this program, you can receive MUCH more than you do with your three jobs. If you like sales, those skills can be applied here and you will have a 'leg up'. Also, I too am an aspiring entrepreneur and investor and this is how I'm receiving a lot of start up capital… Really fast too.

Oh, aside from finances you will have a lot more free time and probably overall better health haha. Cheers!

Have a look here:

Restaurants are one of the most failed and most stressful business. I would avoid it at all costs. It's not like you make a killing doing it. Definitely focus on iphone apps, they're in huge demand and will be for years. Look up how much a starting dev makes, it's over 100k. Saying that, there's a ton of money in sales. If I were you I would try to get into the medical field of sales. I know there's a ton of money there.

It sounds like you're on the right track but going into the restaurant biz is a huge mistake.