Would you like a 5 inch Iphone?

People like big screen phones.especially android phones. I'm asking wheather would you like a 5 inch giant iphone?

Like predictions and trolls on fb and youtube. IPhone would probably be a size of TV remote by iPhone 10 and by probably iPhone 100.well eiffel tower?

no its better the way it is, just slimmer and lighter would be better. The main thing would be a change in the U/I of the iOS, thats all.

I wouldnt want any size iphone, can't stand the phones.blackberry and android for me.

I do like 5 inch phones, it is probably the perfect size screen. I can use the S4 with one hand still and it fits in my pocket. But a 5 inch iPhone would be weird considering how bad iOS looks on the iPad they would probably have to change it a bit, but the concept sounds good.