Would you still buy the iPhone 4S in 2013?

Ok so I was recently thinking about getting an iPhone 4S I want to know your thoughts on this subject oh no rude comments! Personally I think the newer generations iPhones are ugly! Since I never had an iphone I think I should just stick with the basic iphone 4s

To be honest, I've never had an iPhone, but my friend has a Samsung Galaxy, and said she's NEVER going back to Apple.


Ew no

I will never ever buy an Apple product

I bought an iPhone 4S last month and it's pretty good. I suggest you get it.^^

I'd never buy anything from apple. I got an iphone 5s for free as a gift and I still think it's overpriced. Go with android phones

I have an iPhone 4s, and I like it for it's small size. I don't like that phones keep getting bigger.

Personally, no, as I'm not an Apple fan. (Well, maybe I was, back in the days of the Apple II…)

But in terms of buying smartphones- well, it depends on what you want. I don't know if the 4S is compatible with 4G networks, for one thing, so maybe you'd be stuck with inferior 3G performance, but to be honest I'd just want something that does the basics. Any smartphone is going to do stuff your old-style "dumb" phones do not (i.e. Useful for calls, texts and maybe one or two other things- which actually, for me, is enough- if I want a portable computer, I'll get myself a small laptop or OpenPandora if I ever get round to affording one, not a "phone".)