APPLE/iCLOUD EXPERT: Why did photo albums delete off my laptop when iCloud was disabled on my iPhone?

I regularly import my photos from my iPhone to my Macbook Air. Previously they were imported to iPhoto events, and now they are imported to Photos albums.

I was tired of getting the constant notification that my iCloud storage was full, and since i regularly import my photos there really is no reason to constantly have them all backed up into iCloud, so i disabled iCloud on my phone.

I just opened Photos on my laptop, and two of my albums are completely GONE. I'm assuming this is because of deleting iCloud, but I'm not sure how, since I imported the photos directly.

Apple sent me an email upon deleting iCloud saying it stores everything for 30 days if i change my mind, and i just have to go on my phone and "undo delete". I did that, and my two albums are still missing.

Can anyone explain how to retrieve these photos or tell me if they're lost forever?

They aren't actually 'on' your lappy, they're in the cloud which is just a remote storage facility. If you want them on your lappy, you have to save them to your hard drive. You can re-enable your I cloud and then save them, then you will also free up space on your cloud.

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