Are you excited for the iPhone 8 this year?

Please only answer if you enjoy Apple products. I don't need to hear how android is superior, which it isn't, or how you still use a flip phone.

Just got the iPhone 7+ 256gb so no not really

Wait, so you want to know if people are looking forward to the iPhone 1.8, but only want to hear from people that enjoy Apple products, and would therefore at least be looking forward to seeing what's "new"?

That's like me putting up a multi-choice poll, but every answer is just a variation of the same thing!

I wasn't before but now that you told me it was going to be a flip phone I'm almost as excited as if you told me it has a removable battery, stander earbud jack, usb-c charging port. Works with project fi, applecare added lost and theft coverage for the same price, and the screen will not crack if it falls out of your shirt pocket.

I'm far more excited to keep my 6 - which I DO like - and also keep ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS in my investment account, where it will turn into a lot more $$. But then, I'm a professional ADULT- not some swoony teenager whole WHOLE LIFE revolves around a piece of metal, glass, and circuits. My phone is 2 years old already, and in fine shape - and maybe in another 2 years, I might upgrade to a 7 - maybe. I'm not cheap - gorgeous house, 7 figures invested - and over a hundred grand just in musical instruments and music equipment. But a phone is just utilitarian - not at All like a fine music instrument that is the medium for my performing, and actually APPRECIATES in value every year. So you enjoy that Little Shiny Object - and your Breitbart-tilt-style poll - until you drop the iP 8 into the toilet for the first time. How are old are you - maybe fifteen?

Hi so you are a slave to apple that is your problem.

Can't wait