Could a astronaut take a smart phone like apple iphone plus to text and take pictures on the moon. Being exposed in space could it function

Could a astronaut take a smart phone like apple iphone plus to text and take pictures on the moon. Being exposed in space could it function - 1

It should work fine. The call/text ability may be a stretch though depending on where in space they are.

You would need to be able to get a signal in space.

It could, but you'll have to take your space gloves off to use it.

Take pictures yes, texting no

It might need a little modification to enable it to be work in a near vacuum to stop it coming apart, and some modifications to enable it ti deal with the etreme cold, but in essence it could take photos and run apps. What it would not be able to do is make any calls or send any kind of data due the lack of any phone masts to connect it to a phone network!

Tony Smith form StarShipSofa podcast is considering putting a camera on weather balloon as part of 500 episode celebration but has encountered troubles like extremely low temperatures and pressure, much like Crim Liar has mentioned.
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When I tried to web search I see many blogs about disproving the moon landing hoax hypothesis.

Wouldn't text as nearest cell tower would be 250,000 miles away. Camera would work, but the touch screen/buttons would be impossible to operate through pressure suit gloves.

Mobile function could be a problem because i think its -180c in space. Unless inside a space shuttle it could possibly work via satalite signal as radio towers that are used normally for mobile signal on earth have a limit to how high above ground a mobile phone can receive signal

No to text without some special equipment on their ship. Inside the ship taking pictures would be fine, outside the phone probably would not work. Now you can use a device to touch the screen so you could get around wearing a space suit.

The phone screen would definitely shatter