Can I Bring These On A Plane?

I'm going to be going on a trip to Kansas. From California, to Texas, to Kansas. My flight will be 7 hours long, and I want to know if my heating pads will be confiscated.

I may be taking Southwest, not sure. I'm not buying the ticket. But there's nowhere on the heating pad that says now much liquid it has in it.
Its one of those chemical reaction heating pads where you click the little circle metal button and almost instantly it becomes hot.
To compare its size, it is about the size pf two iPhones put together. Not too heavy at all.
It hurts to sit for that long and these 2 heating pads would be awesome to bring.

Can I bring them? I can't seem to find a direct answer on Google, so this is my last resort, lol.

You can write an email to your airline, or call them and ask. They will tell you.

You should be able to bring them on the plane. It is not Southwest's rules that would prohibit them but rather TSA's. Heating pads are not on the TSA prohibited items list at the website below.

If they are a medical necessity, they will be allowed. Certainly a note from your doctor would ease any inspection questions you get. If each is the size of a cell phone then it's probably not more than 3.4 ounces anyway so the volume won't be a problem.

Should be fine, you're allowed to take liquids and stuff so I don't see why they could stop you.

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