Can i switch the service for my Iphone?

I lost my ipod while i was in Texas & my cousin is sending me a brand new iphone 4 but the only problem is its for Verizon & i have Sprint. So i was wondering if there's any way to make it work for sprint, and if not where can i sell it & get enough to buy a iphone 4 for Sprint

Will the CDMA Verizon iPhone 4 work on the Sprint network? Yes. Will you be able to use it on the Sprint network? Probably not.

The CDMA iPhone (Verizon), unlike the GSM iPhone (AT&T, Orange, etc), isn't locked. That said, CDMA providers have full control over what devices operate on their network and don't typically allow outsiders.

So while you CAN use the Verizon iPhone 4 on other CDMA networks, you probably won't be able to.

You can't make a verizon into sprint. You probably can sell it on craigslist