Can prepaid iPhone 4S have personal hotspot?

I recently got an iPhone 4S on prepaid vodafone and I read on the web that you don't get personal hotspot on prepaid IPhone's and I just got a prepaid iphone so I'm wondering if vodafone added a new thing.

I've had personal hotspot on prepaid vodafone with both Iphone & Android. I have an android now so I can't remember the Iphone settings, but I think it was under Settings/Network/internet tethering

Yes, you can use the personal hotspot, but bearing in mind that you pay per kb rate from your prepaid credit unless you are on a prepaid cap.

Personal hotspot is feature that was always available on smartphones. The idea is to share your internet connection with other smartphone users.

I would advise getting a data pack if you wish to share your connection with others.

On iOS, the Personal Hotspot is located in Settings>General>Network>Cellular Data(On)>Personal Hotspot

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