Can the other iPhone user knows that you're calling from an iPhone?

My mom asked this question to me. I said yes. It will appear under the name of the person that you're receiving their call. It will appear as " iPhone " when the other person is using iPhone and it will appear " mobile " when they are using other phones.Am i right? Just want to make sure.

NO, 100% they don't know which kinds of phone come from, because the signal is from the chip not the internel

Pretty sure that's inaccurate.

No it wouldn't. Aside from being able to iMessage or FaceTime the person (though even that isn't 100% confirmation) there's no way to tell if the person calling you is doing so from an iPhone.

No it doesn't you are wrong.

Yes, you're right. I have several unsaved numbers in my recent call list that don't have a name next to them and all say they came from iPhones.