Computer screen went black and won't do anything?

My girlfriend went to plug in her iPhone to the computer and says the screen just went black. The power light is on and if you plug it in it has another light that turns on and both work perfectly fine. This computer is fairly new and hasn't shown any signs of issues, especially like this. How do we fix this? Preferably without taking it in and spending a small fortune on repairs. IIm not sure the exact type of laptop it is, I just know it's a Windows 8 Lenovo that you can flip into a tablet

Cool. I think that's funny. My computer works fine though.

Try the cable in a different port and try a different cable. Also try the iPhone in a different computer. From you should be able to work out where the fault lies

You don't tell much except you have warranty coverage on computers less than a year from purchase. Might be a power system problem. The USB ports can't handle high loads from devices. Maybe the iPhone drew too much and there's damage.