Do you like my song? It's called gray?

There's a plane field between
Us and you say that you wanted more
Things become sour as tar sauce.
Gray. Nothing is red & blue or yellow
Just you and a gray tie like a boss
Looking through those photos
And Your phone goes off twice
and some girls name lights up
On your IPhone. I can't get angry
neither mad at you cause that ain't me.
So, I needed to clear my mind from you
Gray. Nothing is red & blue or yellow
Just you and a gray tie like a boss
Gray… Gray
Riding my bike through the city
Then, saw a magazine of you with
No shirt on and that blue eyed girl from
Your phone. Everything is Gray, it's black
And white. Everything is gray ; however
Don't help me polarize this moment
Don't save me a bowl of rice
You can't help me realize my flaws.
Gray. Everything is Gray. (GG)2017

Make a music video, and then we'll actually see.


I don't like it. I think there's room for improvement. Instead of just trying to find things to rhyme with, actually say how you feel. There comes a time when you have to revise what you write and take things out. For example, "Don't save me a bowl of rice" definitely would be beneficial for you to take out rather than leave in. It just sounds funny. Practice writing and you'll get better. Also, remember to revise and then revise some more